Saturday, September 16, 2017

"The Hindu View of Life" by S. Radhakrishnan.

My friend, Saji Joseph, recommended to me a little book titled "The Hindu View of Life" by S. Radhakrishnan. It is only 95 pages, but dense and full of compact analysis and interpretation of a highly complex and unique world-view. I will share serialized quotes as I go along, but here is one to read and reflect on:

"The Hindu attitude to religion is interesting. While fixed intellectual beliefs mark off one religion from another, Hinduisim sets itself no such limits. Intellect is subordinated to intuition, dogma to experience, outer expression to inward realization. Religion is not the acceptance of academic abstractions or the celebration of ceremonies, but a kind of experience. It is insight into the nature of reality (darsana) or experience of reality (anubhava). This is not an emotional thrill, or a subjective fancy, but is the response of the whole personality, the integrated self to the central reality. Religion is a specific attitude of the self, itself and no other, though it is mixed up generally with intellectual views, aesthetic forms, and moral valuations."

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